Friday, March 15, 2013

Scattered Israel

In Jeremiah we read a lot about the "scattering of Israel" because of their wickedness.  They would not follow the Lord.  They worshiped false idols and would not follow the commandments.  There is a lot of time spent on how Israel will be punished for their sins, which is being taken captive by other nations, or "scattering" them.  But there is also some promises by the Lord that they will be gathered together again and no other nation will rule over them.  They will be saved from their captivity and find rest (46:27).  He will punish the kings of those that have ruled over them (50:17-18).  The Lord will not leave them in the state they are.  He will rescue them and help them find rest.

In Doctrine and Covenants 110:11 we read that Moses gave Joseph Smith the keys for the gathering of Israel.  And we see that going on today.  Missionaries have been sent all over the world to preach the Gospel to all who will hear, gathering Israel by preaching and baptizing.  The descendents of Israel are being taught the Gospel and being gathered into the fold.  They are finding peace and happiness in the Gospel.

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