This week I have chosen to do my post on the Tabernacle of Moses. I chose this topic because there are a lot of connections between the Tabernacle and our modern day temples. I wanted to help expand understanding on our temples to those that do not know much. I hope you enjoy this.
I found it very interesting that there are nine chapters in Exodus dedicated to the planning and preparation of the Tabernacle but only 4 chapters on the building of it. This is much like the process we should go through when making important decisions. We need to take plenty of time planning and going over every option, but once we reach a decision, we need to act. And when we act we should not drag our feet about it. When you know what you should do, do it.
So, what things were a part of the Tabernacle of Moses? Well, here's a list:
-The Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:10)
-The Table of Shewbread (Exodus 25: 23, 29)
-The Sacred Lampstand or Golden Candlestick (Exodus 25: 31)
-The walls and covering for the Tabernacle (Exodus 26: 1, 15, 26)
-The entrance to the Tabernacle (Exodus 26: 31, 36)
-The outer courtyard (Exodus 27: 1, 9, 16)
-The Altar of Sacrifice (Exodus 27:1)
-The laver basen (Exodus 30:18)
-The Altar of Incense (Exodus 30:1)
Below is a diagram of the Tabernacle that I have drawn outlining the set up of the Tabernacle. If you reference with the picture above, the rectangle drawn here is the Tabernacle itself. I did not draw the boundaries of the courtyard.

The chapters in Exodus outlining the planning and building of the Tabernacle of Moses is very significant to Latter-Day Saints, probably more so than other Christians. And why is that? Because the Tabernacle of Moses is very similar to our modern day temples. We are washed and anointed before we go through the endowment session just as the priests washed in the laver before entering the Tabernacle. There are 3 sections to the Tabernacle; the courtyard, the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Our temples are divided much this same way. During the endowment session, there is a progression through these rooms ending with entering the Celestial Room, which is equivalent to the Holy of Holies. Our time in the temple is a time of reflection and prayer, just as the incense represents prayers reaching heaven. And just as the Tabernacle was built with high quality material just as our temples are built with high quality materials. These are just some of the examples. The differences between the Tabernacle and temples today are do to the fact that we do not live the Law of Moses anymore. Since we live a higher law, things have changed, like the sacrifice of animals. Instead of physical sacrifice, we sacrifice things like time, worldly wants, etc.
Why do we have temples today? To receive blessings and to perform important saving ordinances for ourselves and for those that have passed on so that we can make it back to live with our Heavenly Father for eternity. In the Old Testament Student Manual and Doctrine and Covenants 97, there is a clear picture of what blessings we receive and who receives them. In the temple we have the blessing of dwelling in the Lord's presence. The words "The House of the Lord" are engraved on every temple. The temple is the Lord's house and His Spirit dwells there. It is such a blessing to have a place to go where we can leave the cares of the world at the door and focus on nothing but the Lord and His plan for us. Another great blessing we receive from the temple is learning the mysteries of God. Things are taught in the temple that are too sacred to be talked about anywhere else. These are things that are crucial to know upon our return to our Father's presence. What a blessing it is to have that knowledge!
Who can receive these blessings? EVERYONE....as long as they are clean. Everyone is interviewed about their worthiness before they enter the temple. Those who are not members of the Church have a hard time with the fact that not just anyone can enter. They feel they are being excluded. I completely understand that feeling, but I am here to say that is not true! We wish that everyone could enter the temple! And we hope that everyone will take the opportunity to. But you have to attain they level of worthiness before you can enter.
I don't think I could ever explain how much I love the temple. I have received so many blessings as I have covenanted with my Father in Heaven and kept those covenants. I have received direction from Him that I would not have received in any other place. There is a spirit in my home that I would not have if it weren't for my temple attendance. And the greatest blessing I have ever received from the temple is the sealing of my family for time and all eternity. How grateful I am to have the peace of mind that this life is not the end and that I will not part with my family at death. The temple is the greatest place on earth!
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